The Obagi-C Fx System combines Vitamin C and Arbutin to promote rejuvenation of skin’s appearance and enhance the appearance of even skin tone for a healthier-looking complexion.
Obagi-C Fx System is a complete skin care regime that harness the power of Arbutin and 10% L-ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) to target the signs of ageing and hyperpigmentation to reveal a radiant glow.
Available for both Normal to Oily, and Normal to Dry skin types, the products in the Obagi-C Fx System will help to achieving clearer, more even, healthy-looking skin; reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, skin discolouration, and sun damage.
Obagi-C® FX System Normal to Dry
£305.00 Regular Price
£274.50Sale Price